Your Most Hilarious Kill :D



New Member
In Death Room, 2 v 4. I had a trainee on my team, and had 4 enemies (In a clan with high Kdr). I saw my teammate shooting so i took my nade and was about to throw.. but remembered that FF was on. So I threw it to my foot and ran forward.. 4 kills with the nade. Turns out Trainee was shooting at a random wall, 4 guys were chasing me with a knife. All 4 of them called me hacker for thinking that they were chasing me and I somehow calculated to kill all 4 w/o looking.


New Member
i was in junk flea wiht a sniper and i was zoooming in to snipe some dude when oone jumped in front of me and i shot him and got the other guy i was trying to kill getting a double kill.


New Member
Once in death room.
I was using G36E in the base and my teammate opened the door. And i saw a guy standing at very far behind their base. I shot one shot and then....... i got a head shot kill and a nut shot kill...... Mmmm i wonder what were they doing :confused:


New Member
Ok this one was pretty funny to me. I'm on alpha's side for snow vally, watching the tunnel entrance, 3 people appeared. We got into a fire fight. I was using the l96. I shot and hit the first guy in the head, but it wasn't finished. The bullet also got me another head shot and a another kill. I took out three people with the l96. 2 head shots and I think the other one was hit in the arm.

So.. three people in one bullet,which is not possible, or three people with two bullets..


New Member
one shot to kill 3 people with L9 is possible i did it once.... you do not even need to aim in the head aim on their body would do.


New Member
yeah i just remembered another one i did i had out my default pistol or it was the k5 but it has silencer on *all my guns have silencers:)* this was at waverider i was Alpha and i ran over to the tower their were 3 guys there pawning on my side i ran over there unloaded a pistol mag on a guy at the door as well as ran up the ladder and shot the 2 other guys up there in the head point blank without either of them knowing i was there multi kill!!!!!!


New Member
here is one:


I used an extended mag for tthe pistol, so thats 3 kills, 4 secs total, 5 shots...