Your Most Hilarious Kill :D


Active Member
Today on wave rider, I was sitting on the roof in front of the alpha spawn point, people started to come up the steps so I start pickin them off. Next thing you know I have an ultra kill and 4 headshots! Of course they then called me an aimbotter.. I thought it was funnayy.


New Member
Snow valley vs a bunch of noobies. 3 snipers on top tower with l96, i climb up ladder and knife one kid, the other two still pointed down looking to snipe somebody. knife second kid, other kid stands up but doesnt actually turn around and i knife him as well. A legit multi kill with knife. my teammates loved that one.


New Member
This one made me laugh..

I'm on Bravo side in Junk Flea OMA and I throw a nade off and then jump off the roof thing and shoot a few bullets randomly and its... 'Double Kill!'

At the time I forgot about the nade and thought I just killed 2 people with a few random bullets while falling off a roof. Unfortunately when I looked in the corner I saw 2 nade kills. :(

Another, which I am sure people have experienced.
I was sitting behind a bunker in Snow Valley, crouched and when I went back up and into my scope all I could see what black and green. I went back out quickly and it was a guy right in front of me. I died, but it was still close.


New Member
This one made me laugh..

I'm on Bravo side in Junk Flea OMA and I throw a nade off and then jump off the roof thing and shoot a few bullets randomly and its... 'Double Kill!'

At the time I forgot about the nade and thought I just killed 2 people with a few random bullets while falling off a roof. Unfortunately when I looked in the corner I saw 2 nade kills. :(

Another, which I am sure people have experienced.
I was sitting behind a bunker in Snow Valley, crouched and when I went back up and into my scope all I could see what black and green. I went back out quickly and it was a guy right in front of me. I died, but it was still close.

This one time I was being a noob and spammed grenades at Junk Flea.
I got an unbelievable when the first one blew up, and then 3 more on the second.


Active Member
Relax, its an online message board, no reason to get mad.

This isnt just one kill, i just find it funny whenever i kill somebody with a shovel, i dont know what it is.

Like I'm mad? :rolleyes: There's just no need for stupid little comments like that. If he didn't find it funny (i really don't care if anyone did, I did and that's all that matters), he didn't have to say anything..


New Member

I got a 3 person kill in junk flea. It was capture the flags and they were puytting mines on bravos flag i shot with l96. and their replies.

"Stupid Hacker"
"God ** Opker"
so i said "dont stand so close together homos and they left so lol:D


New Member
During an OMA in Warhead, a clannie killed me. Right when I respawned, he ran past me and you know how you sometimes would auto-fire when spawning? It totally shot a nice one through his pixellated forehead.
THAT was priceless.


Active Member
During an OMA in Warhead, a clannie killed me. Right when I respawned, he ran past me and you know how you sometimes would auto-fire when spawning? It totally shot a nice one through his pixellated forehead.
THAT was priceless.

That is epic... The best kills are usually accidental, therefore could never be recorded.