Your Most Hilarious Kill :D


New Member
I really play on and off so mine aren't very good...Oh...And don't read the big walls of text if you don't want to.
Well, both of them happened this morning, both in CTF and one w/ secondary. Both in Junk Flea

For the first one, we were losing 6 - 0 and after a long fight, we finally got even to 6 - 6, the enemy captured our flag and was running through the right side of the map (I was Bravo) to their flag, I chased after them through the right side. I was approaching the tank when they were climbing the stairs...They were going to jump in about 2 seconds so I threw a grenade. What do you know? I killed them and left the flag levitating in mid-air...I ran up and grabbed both flags and ran for my freaking life.

I died.
The other...I ran up to the opponents flag with 50 hp left and about 7 ammo on my pistol. (Through the left tank side) I shoot both the people there and get a double kill. I'm out of ammo now so I switch to my melee. 2 people run up towards me and I double kill them too.


New Member
one day i do one man army melee only, i got a fantastic (5 times in a row), and everyone is calling me hacker. lol, that was funny, because people were just chickened out


New Member
This guy kept trying to steal weapons off fallen enemies he killed. So i watched him trying to pick them up, and as soon as he got a hold of them, i shot him in the head.

I repeated this over 6 times. He never learnt his lesson.

Another one was a guy going up a ladder, he popped his head up and i shot him down. I just laughed, it was funnier at the time.


New Member
I've recently got a flashbang and use it profusly haha anyway, at junkflea I flashed in the middle, near the tank at bravo and 4 guys were just coming around the corner and got flashed.
I had an extended 2 clip in my FAMAS and shot the ENTIRE thing (damn this patch) and didnt kill ANYONE. So in a hurry I pulled out my standard issue pistol and ended up killing all 4 w/pistol lol


New Member
Lol theres so many funny ones i just remembered my most hilarious one.

Once in snow valley elimination i was using my scar and ak-47 only two weapons and i kept spraying at this one person then we started hopping in circles and when we both had to reload im like screw this took out my M9 and knifed him was so hilarious. :D


Lol theres so many funny ones i just remembered my most hilarious one.

Once in snow valley elimination i was using my scar and ak-47 only two weapons and i kept spraying at this one person then we started hopping in circles and when we both had to reload im like screw this took out my M9 and knifed him was so hilarious. :D

Lol. I remember I ran into the Alpha base in Junk Flea and I knifed three people before I died of gases.


New Member
haha awesome.

i think my funniest kills were all with snipers.
i was sniping on snow valley and
this idiot gets in my way as soon as i shoot
well, it was a bunch of idiots.

and another one is when i get kills by shooting them in the foot


New Member
i have 2 new ones,they happened last week,
1:I was in waverider and a bunch (3) of idiots were in the tower,i climbbed up the stairs and throw a grenade,i was so nervous that i slipped off the ladder and killed myself,but then i got a MULTI-KILL XD XD
and 2:It was in brushwood,and we were discussing (sry for my bad english,im learning ok?) about the double kill,mutli,kll ultra kill,blah blah blah,then i was base-camping in bravo if i well remeber,i throw a grenade at one of the tunnels,DOUBLE KILL,someone came up and i pwned him with knife,MULTI KILL,and then someone flashed me and then I used the ak-47 and i started spraying'en paying,ULTRA KILL,ALL the ppl called me hacker for that XD
I couldnt breath because i was laughing so hard XD,because of that we won the match XD:D


Active Member
i have one of this:

1.-i was at snow valli...and we had friendly fire on... (I HATE IT!!!) and one of my mates went into the misil silo...but behind him there was a noob attacking with melee....and i tought my mate was an enemy so i shot him with my L96...and surprise!!! i headshothim...and with the same shot..i headshot the enemy noob lol.....2 kills in one shot...


New Member
i was sniping on bravo in sand hog by the dumpster on the right when u get out of the base

2 noobs run out of alpha base behind each other and snipe them both with one bullet

i know its not spectacular but i thought it was funny

Jordan B

Active Member
This is more of a " Hilarious Match " , but today I vs'ed all these noobs in Raposa 2 , they were all noob as , and it was extremely stress releasing owning them all .

My score was 30 kills , 8 Deaths . Nuff' Said . Lewl .


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New Member
Mine i actually got on video. I was shooting at a bunny hopper with my l9 ghillie. Failed 5 times, then i cover, reload, and turn back to shoot him. (This was on snow valley, from the top tower to bravos spawn.) So, i didnt see the 5 other guys that spawned.. I get out of cover, turn and fire scoped. It goes through him, his teammate, his other teammate and his other teammate. 4 Kills. 1 Shot. On Fraps. :p


Mine i actually got on video. I was shooting at a bunny hopper with my l9 ghillie. Failed 5 times, then i cover, reload, and turn back to shoot him. (This was on snow valley, from the top tower to bravos spawn.) So, i didnt see the 5 other guys that spawned.. I get out of cover, turn and fire scoped. It goes through him, his teammate, his other teammate and his other teammate. 4 Kills. 1 Shot. On Fraps. :p

Nice. Best I ever got with L96A3 was 3 kills and one bullet.


New Member
Mine i actually got on video. I was shooting at a bunny hopper with my l9 ghillie. Failed 5 times, then i cover, reload, and turn back to shoot him. (This was on snow valley, from the top tower to bravos spawn.) So, i didnt see the 5 other guys that spawned.. I get out of cover, turn and fire scoped. It goes through him, his teammate, his other teammate and his other teammate. 4 Kills. 1 Shot. On Fraps. :p

Uhh. i think its been proven that the L9 can only go through 2 people o_O either way nice :D