Trikstadude3 Patch Report - 4/29 Content Update Notes


New Member
PSG1 is okay. Again there's issues with ammo. You need to be able to buy ammo bandoliers. 20 shots total is simply not enough for a semi automatic. Not when it takes 2 shots on average to kill. Yes you can one shot kill if they're wounded or its in the back, but I don't think it's worth it. I prefer the scope on the SR-25 anyway.

The new map is kinda odd. I'm mixed on it. It's not blood gulch, but it's not rattlesnake either. I can play it and get a shitton of kills when it's me and Liand on the same team...


New Member
Moocowman to you

well sometimes it isn't a glitch once i was doing spy and jumped for an Intel case and got stuck in a gray wall definitely a WTF moment got really pissed off but i think it is gone from that spot now so it all good now
Haha dude that happens to me allv the time in Waverider Spy Hunt's, if I go into a room to get an intel. Once it happened to me when I became the Super Spy..... fail


New Member
PSG1 is okay. Again there's issues with ammo. You need to be able to buy ammo bandoliers. 20 shots total is simply not enough for a semi automatic. Not when it takes 2 shots on average to kill. Yes you can one shot kill if they're wounded or its in the back, but I don't think it's worth it. I prefer the scope on the SR-25 anyway.

The new map is kinda odd. I'm mixed on it. It's not blood gulch, but it's not rattlesnake either. I can play it and get a shitton of kills when it's me and Liand on the same team...

These people don't know who Liand is, lmao.

I love the new map, probably one of my favorites... lot of good sniping spots.


New Member
I don't care if the Nut-shot die, you die... no biggie. Love the new Rank Requirements for weapons.. and best of all... (Drum Roll.... ... ... ... ...

:D:DM590 Military and M590 Mariners damage has been reduced:D:D

Hopefully takes down the number of those annoying as hell people jumping around like idiots popping of rounds cause can't they can't aim an AR... Shotty's are the worst example of AR sprayers...they just get to do it at one time... They should have added when a shotty is pulled rabbit ears appear on the player with pink gear on and replace the nut-shot with a "Vaggie Blast"

"Sling lead to the head"

i still get headshotted half way across snow valley...