Should Tony Hawks Proving Ground use the 'Balance Board'?


In the latest ONM they spoke about the new Tony game and mentioned a few things to ponder over.
They talked about the 'extensive video editing tools' and new tricks, but then they said "While there's no word on how it'll use the Wii controls (Balance board please!)..."


Wouldn't that be a great idea? Actually having to stand up and act like you are skating and manipulating your weight to preform tricks and stunts.

Well, I think it would be awesome, what do you think?


New Member
That would be a fabulous idea - the game would be far more challenging and you'd get a nice workout at the same time.

I'm not into skate-boarding at all, but I'd sure give it a try! :D


New Member
EngWii said:
It should use wiimote + board.
wiimote for tricks and jumps.
board for movement.

I guess that would be best if the board was used, as how would you pull of a narley kickflip or varial kickflip on just the board alone? Haha!

One bad thing about tony hawk was its unrealsticness compared to real skateboarding, maybe they will have fixed that!