If, and only if



New Member
10 teams of 1 person? If you meant one 'soldier', then it is impossible. There are multiple characters/soldiers in one team because they are the core. The personel fights between them, the friendship they develop and the injuries they could get play a large role.

I'll not be creating a thread about it this week. I'm going to focus on recovering from the flu completely first. Intensive thinking hurts, you see.

Oh, and on topic. I finished yet another part of rewriting If, and only if. It is going quite well. As a matter of fact, I made a few completely new paragraphs, which explain a few minor things.


New Member
Yes. But right now, I don't believe it is enough to fill a complete topic with.
For those who've read it before, I suggest reading it again as a lot of new details has been added to it, making it longer and perhaps more interesting. A lot of the additions are only minor and can easily be ignored, but at the point I am now, it is not really mentioning anything new. But the introduction of Dirk Bridge was quite... sudden. At the point where I am now, I've given a hint of Dirk Bridge existing, but not yet mentioning his role in the story. Now I only have to remember who Dirk was again, since I had a 'Bridge' brothers in the story. Names just aren't my strongest point.

Luckily, I am not confused anymore between Caitlin and Laura.

I am eager to continue to write If, and only if, though I find that the recovery of Lince has gone a bit too fast near the start of the story. Though it is true he collapsed more than once, the moment he stood up and walked to Claes and Alex went a bit too fast for my liking. I'm trying to find something to fix that, which may take a while... not that it gives any additional problem, since I have yet to post it.


New Member
Agreed with Undead. Pinned (I still prefer stickied) threads are only for those that need to be read. This is only amusement, no rules or anything else of importance.

On a side note; I'm still rewriting it. :p


New Member
Not really. I was hoping I could make some progress at work, but it looks like that's out of the question.

When I'm home, I'm working on a different story, which is going making extremely slow progress.