My cock is to small to do anything with Jerry Springer



New Member
Sigh Billy the kid, you can think what you want, Ive played with the best on lan, and have won, and lost. I stoped playing cs a long time ago to look forward to playing DOD source. Ive been in invite for DOD old SCHOOL TFC, and CS. Its stupid how you draw conclusions from what you have no idea about. And if you think Im cheating thank you for the compliment. :)


New Member
Elton said:
Sigh Billy the kid, you can think what you want, Ive played with the best on lan, and have won, and lost. I stoped playing cs a long time ago to look forward to playing DOD source. Ive been in invite for DOD old SCHOOL TFC, and CS. Its stupid how you draw conclusions from what you have no idea about. And if you think Im cheating thank you for the compliment. :)
np bro just it looks like the door hit you on the way out :)


New Member
No where dilla, im actually a really talented musician, anything I do I usually do very well. But to be honest if you think about it, I'd rather have a hobby that keeps getting bigger as you progress, You probably may have been playing CS for 2 years, and have nothing to show but laughs. But L3 Will have records of their Wins, defeats, respect from other players looking to have fun and get better. Maybe theres no chance for them to be The best team in the world, but their team members have strong bonds, good attitudes and have a very similar goal. You guys may want to learn stuff from them, all of them are very good people, all down to earth. You guys should relax, put the egos down, and go with the flow.
I bet some of your players wish you'd start playing the game a little more serious, FUN and serious at the same time, not like a job, but like a fun side activity with a point, not random running around same old thing. I know for a fact all of you would like scrimming more and pubbing less once you start.


New Member
wow that is the first educated post i have seen you make..and for the record i dont have time to scrim every single day...i have a daughter to take care of..which is why i choose to play for fun..i dont intend on making this game a job like atmosphere because its not gonna pay the bills....


New Member
i have played cal-m and cal-p on 1.5 and 1.6 before i came to punx.

i agree the game is more fun on a competitive level.

but u should read what ur saying before u post

listen to yourself honestly


New Member
This is stupid...over a fucking video game. I think I did get a headache from all the grammatical mistakes and mishaps in Elton's posts though. Lesson be learned, drama gets people nowhere.

Oh, and on the Bible, I'm a Christian and proud of it. Do I also believe in evolution? Yeah, I believe there has been some sort of evolution in the billions of years the Earth's been around. I will tell you this though Elton, there is NO CONCRETE PROOF how the Earth was created. And for you to call someone a retard, come to my classes and work with intellectually disabled individuals and then realize how fucking great you have it to even be able to play a fucking video game. Ignorance may be bliss but it gets you no where in life.


New Member
Deviant said:
Ignorance may be bliss but it gets you no where in life.

I don't know shit and I'm getting along alright. I don't even know what this thread is about. I just saw that some guy named Elton was posting about Jerry springer and his own small cock, so I clicked on page 6 to see what was happenin.


New Member
Haha, I totally skipped page 5, but Elton I actually enjoy playing in our pub more than in matches. Sure, I like to go out and scrim but I just can't get into playing a video game seriously. Once I started getting pissed off about losing to someone in a video game I stopped playing every day. That, and I don't have the time since I'm now a junior in college and have work to do, I play Ultimate Frisbee for our school and do intramurals for my competition, and win those, which in my opinion is better and more satisfying than winning a video game. Not a single person in PuNx has time to practice every night nor do they want to, we tried that a couple times and it doesn't work.


New Member
The bible is a joke. Get over it.

Which is why it's the best selling book of all time, that's the capitalist view on it atleast. I'm not getting into a religious debate, everyone has their opinion on it and I respect that. The point to that little rant was your comment calling people retarded, watch what you say to people because one day your gonna be in a gutter wondering why those guys kicked your ass.