==>Madman's Skinning Workshop II<==



New Member
ok how is this?


tell me if you want me to change anything about him, or if you got any new requests

and as for sarumon, i'll try to do him but for some reason im not very good at makin units look like lord of the rings units....but i'll try anyways...i have to agree with undead, my gimily skin is not very good, niether is the gandolf one...and as i said before, im not very good at makin lotr skins...but i will try saurmon...

please keep the requests coming...


New Member
to import a skin:

1. download the skin
2. open up the import manager (f-12)
3. Click on File--> import file...
4. Find the skin and click open
5. once the skin is imported double click it
6. check the box labeled "use custom path"
7. write in the path for the unit u are reskinning...

so for example the path for mountain king would be:


but for some reason his path dosn't work....but usually thats how you import a skin....try importing the gandolf skin (even though it sux...)
and put this path for it:


i dont know why, but the only path that dosnt work for me is the mountain kings all others work...

what do you think of the new naga? refl3ction? any changes? anyone got more requests?
darn so the gimli 1 doesnt work...man that sux but i will do the gandalf 1 right now... hey but u think u can make me a saruman 1 next plz....but 4 sum reason im not gettin the gandalf 1 to show...ok i did wut u said but then when i make the char...do i have 2 change the model file 2 ne thing or wut cuz i dont c it....and hey also do u guys no how 2 put weapons on peoples hand and stuff cuz i need 2 do that also....that would b really helpful....and im really sorry that im asking all these questions but im a noob at map making and all the little things bout modeling and all that....


New Member
no just do exactly as i said in my previous post, and ur skin should show, o and one more thing, after you import your skin and you set the correct path, close world editor, and re open it, then it might work, and u dont have the change the model or anything....

and ya im working on saurmon....and i did this skin for fun...its called "Demon Royal Guard" he is a naga royal guard with firely skin, and a bloody weopon...i think this ones is pretty good...plz comment on this...and the more requests and comments, the happier i get, lol...


more requests plz...


New Member
well, for an ent you could just use the "trent" unit, and make him a lot bigger, and also make him slow? you know how to edit units properties right? like the size, attack damage, speed, etc?


New Member
i could skin a urk-hai grunt, and a lotr orc, but it would just waste extra space for you map, and it'll make ur map load longer...you can just use an orc, and tint him to dark green, and i think it'll be close enuff, instead of wasting extra space importing a custom skin....i'll still skin it for you, but all i'll do is change the color to a dark green, instead of just green....which u can do just by tinting...

i dont wanna just recolor, i actually wanna change the look of the unit...

any request which actually wants me to change the look of the unit..instead of recoloring...