Fear the Lord Christian Clan


New Member
There are many different reasons for wearing a crucifix. The simplest answer is to remind us of the most cited
scripture John 3:16. You know, that God gave His only son for us. The second answer would be to remind us
of His victory over death and becomming the sacrificial lamb for our sins to give us salvation.

Yes, a crucifix is a cross, an ancient form of execution.
Yes, the purpose of crucifying Him was to execute Him, not because the Romans wanted Him dead, the Romans only killed Him
to appease the Jews who wanted Him dead but would not do it themselves.

If you wore a noose, what symbolism would you be going for? Would you be remembering Judas or somebody else who hung themselves or was hung?
If it were Jesus in a noose, it would make a difference because that is not how He died and would be viewed as offensive. If, however, Jesus were hung
instead of crucified, then we might very well be seeing noose pendants instead of crosses.

As for the electric chair, that would be odd. But if that was the way he died, we might have them. Since I know you are implying having a form of execution
as a pendant (the cross) is what is odd, it is meant to be. 1 Corrinthians says that "we preach Christ crucified". The cross is kinda supposed to shock people.
But over time its shock value has been lost.

As for "religion that doesn't realize their own doing, or being for this matter", I'm not following, please explain.

We wish he didn't have to be executed, but there was no other way.
He had to die for our sins, so, yes, we do cherish the fact that he was executed.
We cherish even more that "He rose from the dead and ascended into the right hand of the Father."

Next argument is marijuana. Your quote says "They will be yours for food." And then you mention the US Government and drugs and the quote In God We Trust on our currency.
What was your argument? Marijuana being legal? The government being ridiculous?

I'll quess drugs. Marijuana used to be legal, just like tobacco. It hasn't even been illegal for 100 years yet. As for all the drugs the government created, they started as some form of medicine.
However, as their use and misuse spread, they became illegal and a burden on society. Now, it is questionable whether the drug or the laws are the bigger burden.
On another similar note, the first Nobel prize winner was the inventor of dynamite, he thought it would be great for the world. Then it was used as a weapon. Was he wrong for making it, or was the world wrong for utilizing it for destruction?

Next topic, science. Where does it say supporting science equals hell? Also, where does it say studying science means hell? Their is a vast movement currently underway (has been for a while) to link science and religion.
Also, science has not proven the bible false. Nothing in the bible has ever been proven false. The only thing I could find is the age of the earth debate. Some young earth Christians, or fundamentalists, claim 6,000 years.
Science obviously claims a much larger number. Now, 6,000 is gotten by taking the lineage to Jesus, totaling the years, and adding 2,009 to get us to present day. The only problem is that the lineage just says "a begot b, b begot c, etc."
It doesn't say they were father and son, just descendants. I don't believe we are only 6,000 years old, but I also don't believe we are descended from apes, or chimpanzees, or some primordial ooze.

Also, the "Theory of Evolution", is a Theory. Science calls it a theory, not a Law, like the Law of Gravity. So, science hasn't proved its own concept yet, so how does that prove the bible false?

Next topic is priests. I don't understand why they must be chaste. I always thought it would be funny if it were a mistranslation. Early christian leaders were not supposed to be chaste. They were to marry, raise families, and disciple Christ.
I don't know where they went off course. I also think it funny that priests give marriage counseling.

Sorry to hear about your felony charges. Federal or State? Mine were Federal. I'll finally be done with everything, except the felon moniker, on Aug. 23 of this year when I get to submit for a Presidential Pardon.


New Member
Very nice. And a question for illspirit and Love: how do you know George Washington or Abraham Lincoln were real? Did you have lunch with them? Talk to them on the phone. I don't think so. There isn't any proof that they were real, yet you firmly "believe" that they were.
I have to believe that God is real, as you do our past Presidents.


New Member
I think you might have wanted to go a little further back in history than Lincoln and even Washington.

We have records, bones, and even photographs (Lincoln). I would say that is some concrete evidence.


New Member
I believe Jesus was real, as I believe Moses was real... I just don't think they were gods. If I made a book saying Washington was god, would you just simply believe it?


actually plat, gravity is a theory. If you read up on the more advanced theoretical physics, they start to throw the laws of gravity out the window and rewrite them. The beauty of science is that nothing is ever set in stone, and we are constantly revising them to be more accurate. Its a law in the sense if you drop an apple on, earth, in an air tight room without any extraneous forces (planetary or otherwise), there should be a pull on the apple leaving it at a resting point on the floor. For our day to day lives, for all useful purposes, it is a law. To Stephen Hawking, it might as well be a theory


New Member
Yes, I'm aware they are all theories in the long run.
I was simply jesting at the fact that the Theory of Evolution hasn't even earned the title of "Law" in the science world, such as the Law of Gravity. I am well aware that even those "laws" go out the windows at times. But, even though the law of gravity gets turned on its head, so many people turn to the theory of evolution as if it is the end-all argument breaker for the explanation of life.

Also, on an interesting note, science can also not explain how a bumble bee is able to fly. It breaks almost every law of flight that we rely on.

The interesting thing about science and religion is that what you know one day might very well be wrong the next. The core knowledge stays the same, but the advanced understanding and application changes and evolves for the better, at least for the time being :)


New Member
@illspirit - if over a third of the people in the world believed Washington was the Christ, I would at least investigate it. Further, if another 20% believed Washington was of special importance to faith then I would definitely look into it. That's how many people believe something about Jesus. As of 2000, 33% of the world population were Christians. 19.6 Muslims, .2% Jews. Atheists only compromise 2.5%
Non-religious 12.7%. So, out of every 10 people, less than 2 would be anti-religion/anti-god.