wii sports attachments worst idea ever


New Member
for those who don't know what these are they are bat, golf club and tennis racket attachments to wiimotes

they don't effect gameplay at all, and to me they are just an overall waste of money


New Member
they look like shoddy pieces of plastic... what is the point? cos every time you change sport, then you will have to faff about to change the plastic rubbish on your wii mote


New Member
The attachments were first released when the Wii first came out, and there was a big hubbub about using the mote as a virtual-reality dealio.



New Member
but then think... how many other games are you going to pretend its a tennis racket for? zelda?? I think not... oh look, i just hit an enemy with my tennis racket sword


New Member
You could use the Tennis racket add-on to play real tennis if you wanted to. Not sure if it'd be any good or not, but still...


New Member
well i see no point... by the looks of things... i'd be better of playing tennis with wii helm. how long do you play wii sports for? you pay whatever extortionate price it will be to use them for a short period of time.... steer well clear of them


New Member
i think the golf is the stupidest... it just makes the wiimote longer! and it doesn't even reach to the ground so there is absolutly no point at all!