s1l3ntdeath said:
I only got 1 computer at home and i don't noe wut to get since the price for a the usb thing and a wireless router is about the same price, and i want to surf the web with my wii. What do u guys recommend that i buy?
Definately buy the router first..:big_boss:
Because this is the first item of hardware that you need to make a wireless network.
The router gets connected to the Phone line and then it communicates with the "usb thing" wich is connected to the PC..
But if your PC has wireless incorporated you do not need the "usb thing" :bomb_phone:
What happens is that your router after being installed and configured on your PC gives access to all wireless PCs or other "Wifi" compatibale devices to the internet service of your ISP you have signed for..
Once the router has been connected you need to configure your Wii as well..:friends:
Mind you you may need to buy for 500 points the Opera web-browser from Nintendo to have a decent browsing experience whit your Wii:dance2: