The corrupted wish game!



New Member
Your Wii can talk, but all it does is insult you all the time. :(

I wish Donkey Kong Country's Game over screen wasn't so creepy.


New Member
Wish Granted only now the game is less violent and you have to wear underwears just so DK Won't be naked

I wish I got SMG today.. (It's backordered)


New Member
you get playstation 9 but everyone around you wants it so badly that you get trampled to death by the mob.

i wish i wasnt allergic to dairy. :(


New Member
You aren't allergic to dairy anymore, but you are now allergic to oxygen.
I wish Bomberman would come to my house.


New Member
he blew you up

i wish i could leave school, being smart and not forgetting anything ive learned, with a good job with £1m


New Member
wish granted only when you do die all your money is lost and no one remembers you.

I wish Best Buy didn't suck >.<


New Member
Best Buy is the best store ever, but then everone buys from only Best Buy, destroying all competition, causing all the other stores to loose their business and go bankrupt. Then Best Buy is the only store around, so it can raise its prices super high and everone would loose their money because they need computers.

I wish an N64 controller could plug into the Wii.


New Member
it can...but your N64 controller breaks and the only way to buy a new one is from bestbuy... but you can't since the price is so high

I wish that this thread would end now...(jk)


New Member
your mom wishes this thread would end now(j/k) anywho |this thread ends but then no1 goes on wiipros anymore and no1 gets any wii point cards/games

i wish lu1g1 wasnt playing mario galaxy so i could get on :)