Need some help with weapon choices



New Member
W?ll h?v??g ???h?? ?h? ?m??????l? ??l? ? ? h??k?r. ?'v? ??v?r ???? ??m???? w??h ???H? ??? ??? m?gh? ?? ??lk??g ????? ?h? ??? (??? ?h? ????r ???)?


New Member
lol to me you should carry a sniper and the m16 as sprayer if anyone comes close to u
Mainly for snow valley cuz snow valley owns


New Member
Well I suggest the M4A1, good accuracy, low recoil, and has a decent ROF. And for long range I prefer the M14 and for both I have the scope that shows health and ammo but thats just me. But I do suggest getting scopes for both. Hope you enjoy and please please don't get a G36 everyone and their mothers use it :(


Well I suggest the M4A1, good accuracy, low recoil, and has a decent ROF. And for long range I prefer the M14 and for both I have the scope that shows health and ammo but thats just me. But I do suggest getting scopes for both. Hope you enjoy and please please don't get a G36 everyone and their mothers use it :(

M4A1 for the win!!!!! If you use it right, it will take out any type of player, including G36E users.


New Member
heck naw no m14! i h8 it really! get famas or scar for across the map stuff. if you like the aug get the g36, it has less recoil IMO. well turn to me because im good in weapons and what not


New Member
I Personally love the SCAR, with the Ranged Scope and the Suppressor.
But it's really preference, I'd suggest making a new account with 9,000 points, and just messing around with some guns :)
The k2 w/ scope is pretty good a mid-long range.
however if you find you need more long distance weaps you may want to try a sniper, if you haven't already.
Or you could just stick w/ the AUG and put the extended mag on.


Active Member
The G36E is an EPIC FAIL !

I'm getting really sick of hearing this statement. It's fail because it's a smart choice for a weapon? It's well rounded... Sure I'll pick up another gun every once and a while, have some fun.. but I always go back to the G because It's an excellent weapon. Most people tend to spray with it.. which is probably why most people hate it, I myself practice fast click shooting.. I only spray close range and in short 3-5 shot bursts.

G36 is NOT an epic fail.. the noobs who use it are however. If you get good at aiming with a gun such as an AK with more recoil and less accuracy, then go back to the G.. you'll be unstoppable, rather then sucking with every gun besides the G36.


New Member
Ok dawg im not gonna lie` to ya ive had this problem too. if u like to play in small maps, such as junk flea, i recommend a assualt rifle. i personally like usin the ak47, but thats just me. with that gun, i can maintain a good 5-1 ratio.


New Member
ok so the aug is not my fav gun so i cant say anythin bout that but try usin the ak. it is very accurate and is exteremely powerful. the g36 is a weapon that is nooby and overrated. i hope i helped