how about some new channel?


New Member
Furthermore, Wii Fit will allow its players to compare their fitness by using Wii Fit's own channel on the Wii Menu

I just found that on wikipedia, i never knew that


New Member
Tyrant1x said:
Furthermore, Wii Fit will allow its players to compare their fitness by using Wii Fit's own channel on the Wii Menu

I just found that on wikipedia, i never knew that


Well thats a surprise!


New Member
lets hope for a "Multi player Channel" in where you can play an existing single player game, as a multi player game... i know, that's a stretch to think about but its what i really want to see


New Member
skyclaw said:
lets hope for a "Multi player Channel" in where you can play an existing single player game, as a multi player game... i know, that's a stretch to think about but its what i really want to see

srry but that will never happen.....


New Member
as a gamer and fan of nintendo... i reserve the right to hold my breath untill such day when all gamers... can.. monkey... dfhlsz *pass out from holding breath*

but really, its still my dream to have multi player gaming be that simple


New Member
and I'm betting most of the demo's, video's, screen shots, and other things will be a channel on your Wii to connect to a server to download the whatever, then when you disconnect you probably lose it... so i doubt memory will be that much of a problem.


New Member
killman360 said:
Before any new channels(like demo, media, ect.) they need to improve the memory of the Wii if possible.

Yeah I completely agree with you, although at the moment my memory is fine if they did make them channels the memory would just go into overload.


New Member
a good cannel they should release is like a tourney channel where they make some tournament where miis battle it out at different events and the top 3 winners get some free wii points


New Member
giroblade said:
a good cannel they should release is like a tourney channel where they make some tournament where miis battle it out at different events and the top 3 winners get some free wii points

Sounds good but the idea of the winniers getting wii points would never happen.