Another fuckin PuNx clan!



New Member
*Slaps rootworm in face* Didn't your mother ever tell you not to talk to strangers! Oh shit, a double negative! Hide the women and children! Rootworm might write a four paragraph lecture to me about english!
I wish i was a smart as RootWorm, maby he can explaing how Donald Trump got protection for the phrase "Your Fired!" for us all, seeing how he must have a legal degree to be explain law to us. Since the phrase "Your Fired!" falls under:

Titles, names, short phrases, and slogans; familiar symbols or designs; mere variations of typographic ornamentation, lettering, or coloring; mere listings of ingredients or contents

Did you know Rootworn that by interperting that text for us, and telling us what it meant you were infact praticing law without a licence? Thats kinda what you say here by predicting a judges actions regarding legal interpitation aint it?

If you try to take that to court, invite me. I'd like to laugh at you. Right along-side the judge. You dumbass.

Wow an web master AND a legal advocate, I wish I had as much free time as you! (not) Dont your stuffed animal, and inflatable female(male?) friends get jelous of the time you spend online masturbating your ego?

The more you post, the more I Pray you find the help you need. untill then, can you just bugger off to another forum?


New Member
Oh, and while we're on the subject, Mr. T actually has rights to, "I pity the fool!" again, a short phrase/slogan that is copyrighted.


New Member
Do we need to lock this stream also? SA was right, this guy must hang around our forum looking for something he can pick apart. It shows his total lack of self confidence, not something typical of an adult, so maybe daddy was right about this guy being a kid. Just a well versed kid. How's about we treat him like a kid: ignore him and he'll go away. If he gets on your nerves then delete his ass and lock the stream. This is suppose to be a clan forum where people who love CS and Punx can talk to each other, not bitch at each other. He needs to save his assaults for the M4.


New Member
im gonna go with puppt on this from now on when this guy post plz ignore everything he says, he will eventueally realize that is he not having the effect he desires and leave... he nothing more than a troll looking to get into a arguement jsut to ruin your day

actaully i was reading about this on the steam forums the other day, they were talkign abotu how there forums has been seeing alot of them haging around and they were discussing wht to do about it....onlly thing you can do is pretend they dont exist


New Member
Not this fucker he will keep posting no matter what hes one of those faggots that comes into servers and tks nonstop and then when hes done Tking he probably sits there mic spaming for an hour or until he loses his breath. Those kind of douche bags just piss me off. They have nothing better to do but piss people off. He probably sits at his house and is on his computer all day long and does nothing else. The reason he never leaves the house is because he probably masturbates so many times a day, that when he gets to his front door he squeezes the door knob he passes out. And that my friends is why this guy is such a douche bag who is probably still nursing off his kunt of a mother.


New Member
Satans Asshole said:
Not this fucker he will keep posting no matter what hes one of those faggots that comes into servers and tks nonstop and then when hes done Tking he probably sits there mic spaming for an hour or until he loses his breath. Those kind of douche bags just piss me off. They have nothing better to do but piss people off. He probably sits at his house and is on his computer all day long and does nothing else. The reason he never leaves the house is because he probably masturbates so many times a day, that when he gets to his front door he squeezes the door knob he passes out. And that my friends is why this guy is such a douche bag who is probably still nursing off his kunt of a mother.

i second that


New Member
no you guys dont understand...he pisses us all off..that is what hes here for...but the only way to get ridof him is to ignore him and pretend he isnt here...

he may stay for a little bit, and continue his lame wannabe computer smart post but after a while when he realizes that we could care les then he will leave


New Member

this is link to the steam forums.....check it out