Whats your favorite gun and why?



New Member
I'd say..best ar is K2 because of it's stats, only bad thing is when switching from burst to auto in a cqc battle, goes to single shot and you die..>.>

best smg is ump, it's the slowest smg, and also the most powerful, so you don't empty a clip in a split second like the UZI without killing the guy...

best sr is SR25 since they fixed the delay problem, or L9 if you're good with accurate shots

best mg is mk48, 3 shot kill if you're good with controlling recoil

best shottie is M590, cqb or not, hands-down.
my favorite weapon is M4A1 , just because it looks like the m16 it dose nt make it the same , you may think it looks horrrible that it sucks but its actually a pretty coo llooking weapon and its good when i use them because it lets me shoot way better


New Member
I like the FAMAS allthough it dose take 4 shots to make a kill, but the recoil is low enough that it can be fired at full auto and still be controlled. I also like the G36E, its great for a improv sniper rifle. I like to have both on me at the same time to make a quick switch in battle.


New Member
K3...I'm a flash-addict! :D (not to mention I got a 6x combo [fantastic! :cool:] with it...in one belt [clip...just too restrained...belt!] and for secondary, the SPAS-12... nice cq fireing rate



New Member
Well if you just want to know what to use...

CQC: M4A1 is really smex for CQC. I nearly always get a multi-kill every time I spawn when I'm in OMA. But if you're ranked highly enough and you're willing to spend 1.5k GP on a really smex gun, get the SG550 + the really big magazine. Total smex machine.

Medium range: Once again, the SG550. You could also use the FAMAS, which has a remarkable ability to always hit your enemy when you SPRAY at them from medium range (I know!) while scoped. It has virtually no recoil while scoped, and it'll usually get you out on top, unless they l9 you like a nub. Which brings me to another gun: the l9, if you're fast. I suppose, if you're REALLY lucky, you could use the M4A1 at medium range as well, because it miraculously likes to headshot from weird ranges at weird times. Like, no recoil, either. You can just spray and spray. But seriously, the FAMAS does that too, so yeah.

Long range: M24, by all means. Headshot machine. Get some practice at quick aiming for the head and people will freak out and call you an aimbotter. You can outsnipe L9 users from long range simply because their gun can't hit you while you're already headshotting the next person you see. ;D Uber smex. I love this gun. And if you tend to rush your snipe victims and generally miss because you're too eager for that next headshot, get the MSG-90 or SR25, because they're almost as accurate as the M24 and you can spray at your enemies with them. Hope I've helped. :O


New Member
seems like someone did a nice bump

m416 cqb or m416 with a scope. After using the ak47 in this game and other high recoil weapons in many other FPS games, the m416 seems soooooo much easier to use and also makes me feel at ease (instead of having to try to drag the mouse down all day)


New Member
M4A1 with scope
1. it costs 950, and i'm dirt poor

2. lots of ppl think i have M16 and therefore is not dangerous

3. low recoil and fair accuracy,

4. it's got a small unscoped crosshair when moving, and it has a tendency to land shots in the middle even if you are spraying

5. it's not a Cheap (unfair) gun like G36 and AK47

6. it works just like the cod4 variant, which is awsim

i don't understand why people put reflex scopes on the $16, the $16's low recoil and good accuracy is squandered on a reflex and the dot in the middle is too big, covers things up.