What Guns & Gear would you like to see?



Active Member
and what about some more melee weapons, but not those from the black market....

LOL but what do you think about the OLD-BUT-"DEADLY" Bayonet.
I mean, i would like to see this weapon in battle...

Well What do you think men?


yeh i desert eagle would be nice helicopters with no land vehicles and maybe combat shotgun and some more head protection also mybe automatic fire for the m14


New Member
That auto-shotgun is amazing! I can't wait to see if the military buys these things.

I played a game a while back (can't remember it's name though) where you had mortars. If you just chucked the mortars, they could land in a wider spread area, reducing the acuracy the further out you shoot. But if a sniper had a laser desgnater, you could pinpoint your strike area. I would love to see this for maps like snow valley! Especialy for a CTF game. Just imagine lobing a couple mortars across the map into the enemies flag area before your team shows up to grab a then unguarded flag.

Besides that, I would like to see the tommy gun. I love that thing!


New Member
I'd love to see remote detonating bombs.
That'd actually be a great addition, seeing as you could plant it, and wait for a few people to run in at then detonate the explosive, and there you have it.
Free kills.


New Member
For me, a thermal scope would be frickin amazing.

And maybe a mode where you could actually sit down and use the stand on the machine guns. It'd be weak and campy, but fun.


New Member
I'd love to see remote detonating bombs.
That'd actually be a great addition, seeing as you could plant it, and wait for a few people to run in at then detonate the explosive, and there you have it.
Free kills.

Haha, I just had a Golden Eye flash back... But yeah, I think Remote mines would be pretty cool. Only suggestion I'd like to make is to maybe have it take 1-2 seconds to plant and maybe 1-2 seconds after planting to detonate. Otherwise people would just be running around with remote mines dropping them at people's feet and blowing everyone up. It'd sort of be like what BF2142 is now.


New Member
Haha, I just had a Golden Eye flash back... But yeah, I think Remote mines would be pretty cool. Only suggestion I'd like to make is to maybe have it take 1-2 seconds to plant and maybe 1-2 seconds after planting to detonate. Otherwise people would just be running around with remote mines dropping them at people's feet and blowing everyone up. It'd sort of be like what BF2142 is now.

Indeed, I thought of that as well, though I forgot to edit my post.

It should take two seconds to plant, two seconds to detonate, therefore it will take some planning ahead, and when it's being detonated, a red light will flicker, therefore warning people.
(Just to make gameplay stable.)

Elite SEAL

yeah man, a desert eagle would be good, pwn the hell out of people with a .50 caliber bullet! They should make a bigger open kind of map and have vehicles. Another cool thing would be to have mounted weapons in places.:eek::eek::eek::eek:


New Member
For me, a thermal scope would be frickin amazing.

And maybe a mode where you could actually sit down and use the stand on the machine guns. It'd be weak and campy, but fun.

I'd love a thermal scope as well as thermal goggles.
Possibly a counter to that, which is a vest that doesn't show heat.

Using the stands on weapons would also be a good addition, as they're there for a reason -.-

Jordan B

Active Member
i'd appreciate it if there were melee weapons u could pick up in the game and wack it at ppl, like pick up a chair in junk flea and smak ppl in the face with it! =)
omg yes like breakable enviroments and stuff like imagine , you're in junk flea melee only, and someones coming at you with a ninjato ( me, lol) and all you have is your measly m9 , and you pick up a 2x4 and SMACK! whack them straight in the face with a wooden stick. lol. In all seriousness though breakable enviroments would be extremely hard for nexon to implement . The most breakable stuff at the moment is a few crates and barrels. Oh and those steam pipes in Junk Flea. Lol. Oh and Roger117 i agree most pistols are weak apart from that anaconda revolver and that is w a y t o slow. . . . . . arrgh .

Things I would like to see:

-A tactical launcher attachment (mod) for AR's (launch your support weapons)

- Generally more weapon mod's ( more scopes with different qualitys and cross hairs.)

-Dual wielding capabilities for pistols (again, roger117 you're right , 1 is weak , but 2?)

-Though i'm trying to think of new weapons , i really can't. Nexon really has covered alot of bases in
terms of the types of weapons available. I wish the ak-103 would be made a gp weapon , but only if it was REALLY expensive , as in like 2000 GP for 1 day or sumtin . So if anyone can think of some new AR's and SMG's , much appreciated.

Yay I made Sergeant First Class 2 ! lol.

Ummmm, That's it for now.

And if anyone wants my opinion on vehicles in C.A (i'm giving it to you anyway) NO! ! ! They will ruin C.A if implemented. They can stay in Battlefield and War Rock . This is Combat Arms Baby!