The Chicks


New Member
I've found it harder to hit them too. Weather its in my head or not, I do think it is harder to hit the girls. I usually just end up spray bullets until it dies. :confused:

I might change my account to a girl just to see how much better I am, how much less I die etc... I bet everything will get better.


Active Member
I dont feel like making a new account whats the point you work so hard to get you rank up and then your back at square 1 again


New Member
yeah agree that chicks can own us all... an example of this is that my sister recently joined the game.. (Karen01) i think this is her name...yes... the chracter is slim and difficult to hit... and add to this an skilled player... and voil?...TOTAL PWNAGE...she PWNED ME DOWN!!!! 30-0...

I was thinking on making a weapon test account lol, but i regret it....i prefer being a male

haha you got more than owned