Escurials first Contest!

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New Member
So we got ourselves a nice list!!

Well I wish everyone good luck and may the best win.

Arkidas let us know if you are gonna be the second judge or a participant on terraining.


New Member
Well, the list could get bgiger, after all, there are still people joining the site as we speak. I mean, we got 80 members and 101 threads around here, while the site only exists for a month by now...

Err... yeah, good luck to everyone as well.


New Member
I still haven't started. Though I got some ideas what to make, I can't get myself to actually create it. Unfortunately, it isn't just with terraining either... *uhhum* Anyway, I got a free day tomorrow, so I might use that day to try and make something.

Anyone know of any good winter trees or should I get skinning?[/b]
I find the trees at Northrend fitting, though they are not very fitting when many of 'm are used together.
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