your own game


If you were to make your own game, what kind of game would it be, and what would the platforms for it be
I would make an in depth RPG game because I am tired of the easy ones that are not challenging and with a lousy ending with an easy end boss
It would also be a long running series with spin offs like the Dragon Warrior/Quest series


New Member
I would make a perfect copy of D&D in a game - unlimited players, dungeons could be made automatically and scaled to the partys power or a DM could take the role of creating his own quests/dungeons (with a really handy and useful creation tool of course).

You would be able to have all the classes and all the prestiges and every single spell/feat would be available as well...

However thats rather impossible since the game would have to be around 3TBs big to hold that much data :p


Sorry, and my RPG game would be out for the Wii first so they could have a good RPG game, and then later it would come out for the 360 and PC, and about a year later it would come out for the PS3