Your Most Hilarious Kill :D


Elite SEAL

I almost got a fantastic on Quarantine mode... It suked, the last kill -the fantastic kill -was stolen right from me.

I almost got 2 fantastics on junk flea melee -I was SO MAD!! I was so fking close, but the first time my kill was stolen, and I ran out of time to kill someone, and the second time I was in a vicious duel with a guy, and he stabbed me -and I had like 60 hp, and then I could HAVE SWORN that I hit his head, but it only counted as a regular hit (he wasn't wearing a shemigh thingie) -but then we both attacked at the same time -but mysteriously his hit killed me and mine didnt hit him at all.


Active Member
I killed my self with a richochet with an l9.
Sounds impossible but it happend...

It can't happen. What happened was someone killed you as you were using the L9 and it glitched and said you killed yourself rather than showing the person killing you. It's happened to me before and had other similar glitches happen as well.


New Member
Mine would have to be in deathroom i had my knife out just running and i went through the door and there was a guy right there and i swung and hit is head but it said nutshot lol!


New Member
I was playing with gas nades and I was just running around with it in my hands, then I saw this SOPMOD on the ground so I went to go pick it up, but funny thing happened, it seemed like I threw the gas nade at the gun and the gas nade just got stuck on the gun, at first I was like "fokkk!!!" but the gas nade didnt go off and it was just laying there on the gun and I was like "WTF????" then some guy shottied me from behind then saw the SOPMOD and tried to pick it up, but he somehow picked up the gas nade instead...!!! and it went off in his hands and he was trying to shake it off, his hands looked like he was holding a gun but he was actually holding a live gas nade, he was making this throwing action the whole time, like he was throwing nades, but because his hands are in the gun mode, and guns aren't supposed to be "thrown", the gas nade was really STUCK to him lmao. So, can't fire it, can't throw it, and can't get rid of it, he was just running around his base like crazy and spreading that gas everywhere, afterall I picked up a multi-kill from that gas nade. And there were some teabaggers in a game that would teabag everyone they kill, fkn stupid really, but extremely annoying too. I had a set of landmines and was planting one of them, you know how you kinda throw the mine in front of you to plant it? Well I did that and at the same time one of the teabaggers came up behind me and headshotted me, so I fell forward and my face like covered the mine perfectly, that was when I realized this could be a LMAO kill, and it did turn out to lol my fkn A$$ off. He walked over to the body and started teabagging it, then I saw the mine pop up in the air like right in front of his face, I can almost see that "OHHH SH1T!!!!!!!" look on his face, then it blew up in his face and the whole place was like shaking for 10 seconds straight. That was pretty awesome and it's what ppl get for being a teabagger in combat arms. LOL he got teabagged by my landmine.:D


New Member
So i was in a clan war with my clan mates in snow valley elmination right when the game started their were two players right in front of each other at the bravo flag site and i quick scoped them and got a 2 for 1 double headshot. :D


New Member
I knifed this dude and he jumped shooting and missing then i knife him in the balls this continued for about 9 kills then he left :p


New Member
I got a good one too, it was in junk flea:
I had my crappy M16 and headshotted a guy with Minimi, ok thats not bad and i took his gun and turned left when i saw trainee running away...
the all other enemies where there too and i started to fire and killed all of them :D (i think it was unbelievable or something, never had it before) they were in rage and called me "nub" and "hacker" xD i loled so hard in this match
i think my funniset kill is when in quarintine i was a near a human and about to infect them they jumped trying to suicide i jumped 2 and infected him while in the air lol


Active Member
i owned an SPEC kid in snow valley:

i was giving covering fire to the hill, and thenthis spec kid attacked me with his minigun, the i just did a clean shot across the road and HEADSHOT!!!!!
i owned an SPEC kid in snow valley:

i was giving covering fire to the hill, and thenthis spec kid attacked me with his minigun, the i just did a clean shot across the road and HEADSHOT!!!!!

when i saw an nx noob i was like o **** a minigun then the nx noob starting spraying it hit me a few time but then i was holding my sniper i had no time to swicth or i would die then i started 2 spraying and BOOM i got a headshot on da nx noob lol :thumbup: