Wii industrial robot arm!


This is quite an old story, but I just loved the title...

"How to build a sword-wielding, tennis-playing, WiiMote-controlled, friendly robot...


The idea was to take one industrial robot, add a laptop talking to a WiiMote, strap on a tennis racket, have it follow the swings that the user makes, and do it all in a few hours on a Saturday so we could get back to our busy schedules. Of course we had to put on a sword too, and if there was time, maybe an Airsoft gun. Also, we wanted it to fight people, but you can’t have everything."


Full link

Wiibot video

I want a job like these guys!!
Looks Cool But I Don't Know If It Has Any Purpose At All?
What's The Point Of Making Somthing Like That
It's Cool But Ussles
Looks Cool But I Don't Know If It Has Any Purpose At All?
What's The Point Of Making Somthing Like That
It's Cool But Ussles
But How Can you Make Such A Arm? o_O