Transfer Miis to and from your PC


New Member
link121 said:
why have ur miis on the computer

Because you can hack your mii on your computer, then customize it. You can add different hats like: Mexican Hat, Cowboy Hat or even Mario's Cap! So why don't you download the app I gave you on the first post and start adding your mii different things that you can't add on a wii.


This is on

"Transfering Miis to and from your Nintendo Wiiâ„¢

The Mii Editor is capable of loading Mii characters created on your Nintendo Wii in the form of Mii binary files. These files are transfered from your Wii to your Wii remote and then from your Wii remote onto your bluetooth-enabled computer.

* A Nintendo Wii
* A Wii remote
* A computer with Bluetooth
* Software for reading Mii data from your Wii remote such as:
o Mii Mega-Mall (Windows)
o Mii Transfer (Mac)
* An internet connection and access to


1. Transfer a Mii to your Wii remote from within the Mii Plaza in the Mii channel on your Nintendo Wii
2. Connect to your Wii remote with your computer using Bluetooth and the necesary software
3. Download your Mii character(s) to yourr computer's hard drive (please view the documentation for the software used for more information about transfering Mii data to and from your Wii remote)
4. With the Mii Editor on, click on the File button in the main interface
5. Within the File screen, click on the Load button (you must be online for the load option to function)
6. In the File dialog locate and select the Mii binary file downloaded from the Wii remote
7. When selected your Mii will load into the Mii editor for you to edit

Once you have edited a Mii within the Mii editor, you can save it as a Mii binary file and upload it back to your Wii remote. Once on the Wii remote, you can transfer the Mii back to your Mii plaza on your Wii."


New Member
Any screenshots of what they'll look like afterwards? I need to see something before downloading third party software and buying myself a Bluetooth adapter.



Heres some guy...

Heres an ant...

Heres someone else...

Don't know what you were expecting... ;)


New Member
the ant looks poorly photoshoped.. as for the others, they look like normal mii's...

EDIT: yup, just went to my photo channel and made the first and last mii in those pictures...


New Member
is there a special bluetooth adapter that is made specially for the wii or can you use like a normal one or something?


New Member
useless, your Mii is a funny look of yourself, if you make it better it wouldn't more be funny and why have it on the pc? sounds very useless to me.