Sky HD


New Member
my dad was thinking about getting it because they're doing a promotion just now that the longer you've been subscribed to sky, the cheaper the HD box is. my question is, does anyone have it and is it worth the money? or would i be better just getting sky plus?


New Member
Its not that great at the moment, I have it in our bedroom but only because sky offered us a good deal, same monthly payment as my previous Sky+ and a free box. If we didn't get that deal I wouldn't have bothered just yet.
There isn't really a large amount of HD channels to benefit from the price just yet.
I have a modded Virgin V+ box in our lounge but I wouldn't pay for HD viewing just yet until later on when most channels are available on HD.


New Member
Hi have Sky HD in my bedroom, it costs me the same as the sky+ which I have downstairs. There isn't alot of HD content on it but as mine costs the same as sky+ its worth it for the extra recording space