

New Member
Im not being a nintendo fanboy r anything, but i think that sony have screwed up with this PS3.
Its far too expensive! sure, the graohics are great but i wouldnt pay more then double the price of a wii for it.
and, theres not much difference, sure, it looks like a grill, and has better graphics, and a different controller. but thats it really.
what do you think?


New Member
Yes, looking at the sales forcast for PS3, compared to all the others, it's clear that it's WAY too overpriced. You can buy a wii for £179 or.. £400+.. Not many people can afford over £400 on a console, plus £50 a game?



New Member
That's absoloute crap. Seriously.

Count up the features the PS3 has and you'll see that it's worth the £425.

Besides, it went cheaper last week. It's now £399 with 60GB PS3, 2 Controllers and 2 off the best games on PS3 - Motorstorm & Resistance: Fall Of Man. That's great value - a saving of £120 or more. It's not hard to afford - I'm buying one next year anyway. And not all games are £50 y'know - dig around online, you can find games for £25-30.

I'd be a fool to miss out on some of the best games the Wii has no chance of getting - GTA IV, MGS4, the Team ICO projects, Final Fantasy XIII, and then there's the online community that Nintendo's too stupid to realise. And it looks good - as good as the Wii IMO.

Here's a rule for this generation of gaming - Always get more than one console or you'll miss out on half the fun.


New Member
if i were to get more then one console, i would still get XBX 360! that has good grahics, not much more then wii and has lots of different games...i will NOT get a PS3 for that price! no, no way!!!


New Member
muse said:
if i were to get more then one console, i would still get XBX 360! that has good grahics, not much more then wii and has lots of different games...i will NOT get a PS3 for that price! no, no way!!!


PS3 + 3 Games + 2 Controllers + HDMI Cable = £399.99 @

Can you read BTW?


New Member
I have a PS3 and it isn;t that great at the moment, it will be when more games come out.

I paid £283 for it off ebay with 2 controllers.

The thing is, it may seem expensive for a games console but it has one of the best blu-ray players out, a stand alond blu-ray player is around £350-£600 so a PS3 isn't really that much over priced, if you were going to get a stand alone bluray player than you might as well get a PS3 for the same price.


New Member
yeah when more game are out it will be better but this would of been fine 2 years ago as it did work with the OS2 but with the competion now they have to make it individual those no fresh creative ideas just a bunch of fancy things stuffed in there. I think sony have to rethink the playstation company maybe get themselves something that makes them individual now it just seems the in between which may look nice and sound nice but doesn't deliver and aint bought


New Member
I think I want a PS3 because they'll be games on it with an experience that the Wii can't deliver. Vice versa with the Wii I bought.


New Member
I might get a ps3 in like 09 when games like ff13 start appearing and blu ray begins to matter.
But at the moment i don't really want one as i have a 360. Plus I don't think the online will ever be as good on the ps3 as it is on the 360 and i don't like mgs or gran turismo so there isn't really a good reason for me to buy one aside from ff13 which wont be out for at least a couple of years anyway.


New Member
i cant see the point in having a ps3 beacuse the only good point is better graphics, olso it is to much for what it b is !! end!


New Member
Its cheaper than most standalone bluray players around.
I only got one coz I got it what I thought was pretty cheap although at the moment I am not that impressed but I am a massive MGS fan and cant wait for MGS4 which looks so good in my opinion.


New Member
badboykane said:
Its cheaper than most standalone bluray players around.
I only got one coz I got it what I thought was pretty cheap although at the moment I am not that impressed but I am a massive MGS fan and cant wait for MGS4 which looks so good in my opinion.

If you're a big MGS fan you would've replied to my MGS4 thread. :eek: :(


New Member
The PS3's exactly like the PS2 was, infact that's all it is, A spruced up PS2 with better graphics and a "Blue ray disk" thingy.


New Member
Xbox 360 > Wii > Every other console ever made > P$3
I really don't see the point in the P$3, it's only for people with more money than sence, or playstation fanboys that just buy it for the name playstation.
Playstation used to mean quality to me, now it just means £££.