Project Terrain

Kem Rixen

New Member
As soon as this terrains done it should speed up a bit, cause I know basically what I plan to do with the rest of the map.
That's interesting, as I'm the complete opposite way. I use make the terrain really quickly, then get really bored and slow down when making triggers. Which is actually what happened with the current map I'm making.


New Member
I'll probably a little slow with the triggers, but I've been working on this terrain so long. So the time I spend on triggers will probably seem quick. Also, I'm pretty familiar with the triggers so it should be pretty simple how to set it up. I'm just also going to attach the terrain to this post since I'm writing it anyway.

I'll probably add some more doodads to these. Still comments are always appreciated.

Note: Almost all screen shots prior to this have been in world editor. These are in game, making things appear closer. (Hence the "Big Metal Hand in the Sky.")





An updated full view of the map.



New Member
you know..i dont know if you would want to, but i think that white ice is kind of blech, i would replace the tile with the northrend ice myself, northrend ice is sexeh:wink:


New Member
Yeah, I just looked back now it does look a bit better. I can't do it in certain parts though since it combines with the tiled bricks in an unnatural way.

I dunno how I did it in one day... I kinda went on a terraining frenzy, but I finsihed it basically. I may go back and add some more details. As of now though, I am starting units, buildings, triggers, basically everything else.


Later on I'll release more precise details on what exactly I'm doing.


New Member
Looks nice, it's going to be an AoS right? The only thing I am wondering about is the little town in the middle *thinks*. Hmm.


New Member
Honestly... I don't know. I just felt like having a town. :p

It's basically ruined buildings, but if anyone has another idea for it, that'd be cool.

Kem Rixen

New Member
That reminds me of an idea i have had for a long time for use in an AoS. It was basically having an independent town off one of the lanes, or in some way that it could easily reach every lane. Basically, the town would start out neutral, but if you completed some requirement it would switch to your teams side and would start sending units out to help. I've tried a few times to fit it into maps I was making over the years (I started making maps in June 2004), but I could never find a way that made it balanced.

Every time it just seemed to let the winners just have more units, and the losing team could never actually get to the town to turn it back. One of the attempts was to have it be that you would have to stand on some sort of platform and it would turn, but that led to the town switching constantly as you could just run up and change it. Then I changed it to a time thing, that you would have to stand on it for thirty seconds, that didn't work either as the heroes would just get killed, or run. My final attempt, which was in a map that tried to combine RPG elements with AoS elements, involved completing a quest to have the town turn.

While my final idea was my favorite, it also didn't work as nobody would ever want to try to finish a quest instead of actually defending their bases. I never finished one AoS map, ever, and I mostly blame trying to fit this idea, and many others into them.


New Member
Well I actually had a similar idea to that. I was thinking of having an abandoned barracks there and having if you got a certain unit, an engineer or something, you could get a small spawn from there. If the building dies it would go back to abandoned mode and would require yet another engineer. Making it somewhat available to both teams.

Kem Rixen

New Member
Hmmm, well, from what I can tell from the terrain of the map, it seems like that could work out well. Though, I'm still skeptical that this idea can work at all. Well, I hope you can get this idea to work in a way that doesn't make the game horribly unbalanced.