Permanent Weapons


New Member
Most of you are probably against me on this but isn't it kind of Stupid that they would sell permanent weapons. I mean seriously! whats the point of saving up gp and/or ranking up to by a P90 when you could have bought it with NX when you first started playing. In addition the guns are also modified and a little better than the original. If you know me and read some of my other posts on the FRIKIN G36 (cheapest gun). They have that gun out now to keep PERMANENTLY. Now everyone will be going around with those 4-shot kill Snipers/Submachine guns!!!!!!!


Active Member
RAGE SOME. Lol, no if your calling them a noob, then you must think your not a noob. So if their such noobs who use that gun, then why do you care what gun their using, you should just be able to kill them. And you should thank the "noobs" that buy nx and the perm. guns because every dollar they spend, helps make combat arms better.


New Member
Nexon has to quit selling all these Permanent items Let me list all i can remember:

Anaconda Silver, M416 CQB, P90 TR, G36E Valkyrie, PSG-1 MOD LE,
Clan Name Color Change, Permanent Mercenaries, AK Gold Plated, and a few others i cant think of them.

Anyways its getting pretty annoying and i know spuznick242 might say something against this but if people keep buying these permanent items and Nexon continues to sell more what the point of having GP you bought all the things you will ever need.

Jordan B

Active Member
M416 CQB hasn't come out yet, (the LE version) .

I got the G36E Valkyrie last night, perma version, and it's nice not having to worry about it ever expiring.


Active Member
as NEXON main TOS: NO PERMANENT WEAPONS...what they should sell in permanent are helmets or camo suits or gun-mods, but perm-weps are pretty bad idea...

oh, i have owned NX dudes in 7 shots, so if i can so do you lol


New Member
Wait let me update my post: Nexon has to quit selling all these Permanent items Let me list all i can remember:

Anaconda Silver, M416 CQB, P90 TR, G36E Valkyrie, PSG-1 MOD LE,
Clan Name Color Change, Permanent Mercenaries, AK Gold Plated, PP-19 MOD, Player Name Color Change, and a few others i cant think of them.

Anyways its getting pretty annoying and i know spuznick242 might say something against this but if people keep buying these permanent items and Nexon continues to sell more what the point of having GP you bought all the things you will ever need.


Active Member
Actually I dont care about them selling perm guns. If anything I wish I had one. Back when I use to play every day all day, it was good to use gp guns for a week, but now I dont buy any guns because at most 3 games a day just donesnt allow me to make enough gp to cover the gun I just bought. I wouldnt like to spend my money on a perm wepon only because of the cost, but any perm wepon would be nice to use other than the M16, which is a good gun, but I rather have something else.