No More Heroes - WiiPros Official Thread







"The story of No More Heroes revolves around Travis Touchdown, a parody of Johnny Knoxville. He is a typical otaku who lives in poverty in the fictional town of Santa Destroy, California. Somehow, he manages to win a beam katana in an internet auction. Soon thereafter he becomes a hitman and kills Helter Skelter, which earns him rank 11 by the UAA, the governing body of assassins. Sylvia Christel, who was shown in the trailer to challenge him to be the best assassin, is a French-born agent of the UAA. Other killers in the UAA include a girl named Shinobu, who wears a short school girl outfit, attends Santa Destroy high school, and is ranked 8th in UAA. A woman named Naomi is also revealed, who is a swordmaker and an ally to the main character. Also revealed, as also apparently part of the top 10 is Destroyman, a deadly superhero assassin." Wiki link

Screen shots here
Release date Late 2007/early 2008

Trailer here
Gameplay video here. You have to be over a certain age to watch it.

So what did you think?


New Member
RE: No More Heros

Game will rock.
One of the games stopping me from selling my Wii.
I'm just scared about what stupid England will try to do to ban it like Manhunt 2. ¬_¬


New Member
RE: No More Heros

this game looks pretty good, but not the exact game i would be into. I like the graphics though!


New Member
RE: No More Heros

I love the graphics for this! Killer 7 looked pretty good but only being 14 at the time i obviously couldn't get it, hopefully I will be able to get this though. Looks great


New Member
RE: No More Heros

speaking of Killer7...was it good, because I wanted to get it when it was released but I was too young..


RE: No More Heros

The website has just added 3 videos with another 3 at least to come...

1 is a in-game clip, the other 2 actual gameplay! Woot!:)

Check 'em out here


New Member
RE: No More Heroes

Squiddy said:
Game will rock.
One of the games stopping me from selling my Wii.
I'm just scared about what stupid England will try to do to ban it like Manhunt 2. ¬_¬

this looks good... i don't think it will get banned though... it's not all about having to murder people brutally like manhunt 2 (which seems just as brutal as the punisher game)... so no need to worry