I wish



New Member
It's called "Prone"
WarRock has this added, as well as a rolling feature.
(Diving into a roll, for a fast coverage of a certain amount of area.)

Hope to see it within Combat Arms, it's a great feature.
Though it shouldn't be added for CQC maps, and it should have a delay from going to, and coming from standing/crouching.


It would wok exceptionally well in Brushwood as you could have woodland camo, woodland M24 and lay down and hide in the bushes. It would be a nice feature if they added it.


New Member
How cool would it be if you could dig yourself a bunker to hide in with the shovel in Snow Valley or Brushwood? I would spend the whole time doing that and sniping everyone.

I'd dig out the ground below the spawn point, and shoot upward, thus creating the perfect hiding spot.
Haha, if only that'd work. D:
But self created bunkers would be cash.
I'd love to create bunkers with a grenade/mine, or simply shoot a bunker in.
OR! Shoot a hole in a wall/etc and make a window to shoot from.


New Member
haha yea thats a great idea

and yea definetly having a delay..cause i eman thats how it is in real life it taks a couple secodns or w/e


New Member
That'd be pretty cool. Remember CoD 2, when the machine gun class would lay down when you ads'd? my friend kept killing me because I thought he died, so start shooting corpses to make sure =)


New Member
How cool would it be if you could dig yourself a bunker to hide in with the shovel in Snow Valley or Brushwood? I would spend the whole time doing that and sniping everyone.
Since theres a shovel.... that would be awesome
it would be a wep and a tool all at once XD


New Member
Hmmmm I wonder if its possible to get head shot with a grenade. It is possible because don't most grenades have shratenle that fly off everywere


New Member
This has already been discussed a while ago on nexon forums. For my opinion, I believe adding the prone action in CA would ruin it. People would just prone everytime they see an enemy in CQ or the would jump out a roof top , proning to avoid damage....Just sucks.

And for double arms weapons, I do not think there will be ever any...Your in real combat situations, not in a movie, dammit! Wielding two weapons would , yes, mean double damage , but it would also mean horrible recoil and accuracy, and a sucking realoading delay. Imagine yourself putting one gun in holster to reaload the other....Stop watching James Bond and Die Hard and get playing.


New Member
This has already been discussed a while ago on nexon forums. For my opinion, I believe adding the prone action in CA would ruin it. People would just prone everytime they see an enemy in CQ or the would jump out a roof top , proning to avoid damage....Just sucks.

And for double arms weapons, I do not think there will be ever any...Your in real combat situations, not in a movie, dammit! Wielding two weapons would , yes, mean double damage , but it would also mean horrible recoil and accuracy, and a sucking realoading delay. Imagine yourself putting one gun in holster to reaload the other....Stop watching James Bond and Die Hard and get playing.

You have fingers, so it's possible to reload whilst holding your weapon.
I find they should make SOME pistols dual wield.