How To Make Items Like The Ones From Battleships


New Member
Have you ever wondered how the items from Battleships works well there is a unprotected version of battlehships but why waste time to dl and find it when I can tell you right here.

Step 1: Ok make a custom ability based off of Phoenix Fire turn it to item if you want it to be a item effect or leave it alone because it will still work even if not a item ability and change it to hero if you want it to be a hero ability BUT you can't see it trying to think of a way so you can but lets skip that for the moment.

Step 2: Then edit the model used for attack then change the damage, area effect, and cooldown but make sure the duration is set at 0.01.

Step 3: Then give the item, unit, or hero this ability and it works very simple but few people would guess of how to do it.


New Member
Cool, but for those who have never played Battleships, you might want to mention what the items do exactly.
For instance, I've played a version of battleships, however there are others, and right here I don't exactly know what you're reffering to.


New Member
The reason why it is confusing was I was struggling with words to describe them and I still can't think of a better way of phrasing it. Also I have a small writing problem.