Has quick scoping been nerfed?


Jordan B

Active Member
It wastes my Bandwidth, so that ain't my problem, lol . Although Connection speed definetely has something to do with it. I only encounter this problem (it seems) when my broadband runs out.


New Member
I've found the solution >:D After shooting your gun, DO NOT PRESS THE RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON AGAIN;let your gun unscope naturally. If you DO try to unscope, the next right click will double up, resulting in a flash-scope-in >:D I found this out while playing in fireteam, tell me if this helps.


Active Member
nope.. I scope in and it scopes back out automatically.. it's because of my computer. I've tried it with multiple mouses and it didn't change anything.


New Member
same problem

eh ive started to have the same problem yet for me it seems since they did the update to even up quarantine mode but yea now my quick scopes arent going so well.