Guitar Hero 3 for Wii!



New Member
Ryano said:
metroidprime3rules said:
Ryano said:
Rasande Bävern said:
lol laught my ass of :D

Wasn't that funny....:blush:

yah it is :D

Different people have different opinions i guess...

Ryano said:
Pythorne said:
IVe had my panasonic regarables for 3 years and they works fine. I have about 15. They did lose some hours, but they still work. The newer rechargables have more hours. I probably used rechargeables my whole live. Especially for my gameboy. Good old gameboy advance

I bought a charger for the old GBA, one of the best buys I ever made...

killman360 said:
lu1g1 said:
nintendo should be charging like 60$ for this..not 90

I agree, considering it probably will not be that different from the PS2 version which was cheaper!:mega_shok:

yeah really, nintendo doesnt need to charge that much...
the ps2 version was really great