

New Member
I was bored and checkin' out stats. Came across your stat page.


Fifty percent of your kills are headshots. 50%.

That, my friend, is impressive. Makes my 29% sad and doubtful..



New Member
How do you do it? I only seem to hit people in the chest...and then sometimes...like 24% of the time, I accidently let the recoil get outta control and the bullets stray upward into people's faces. But I never get a first bullet in the noggin' shot...it's always a couoke in the chest then head......Sniff.
rofl wow i was just looking at out posts and saw this one.... how do i do it? The way I look at it is...aim high..miss high....because of the shitty hit boxes that they made for cz you only need to be close to the head to get a hs...so if you just aim at the throat you will almost always get a hs or....like you can see with my stats...hit the left arm.