it iwll look good on a HD tv with out the cable i have a LCD tv in my room and play my Wii on it and it looks fine, if u want really really good quality then buy the cable
Yes, but you have to see which games look good on it. For example, Strikers Charged or Excite Truck or RE4WE will look amazing since they support 480p but PS2 ports like Godfather look just abit better than it's SCART counterparts.
I ordered the Offical one for 18 notes from, I would have paid that little bit extra and got it from GAME for the reward points but they where out of stock
i took my wii to my next door neighbours and he has a lush lg plasma i was playing on it and t was fine so i wouldnt but if u do want the best quality then ye get it but it is alot of money
came today, the graphics a still noticably bad (which I think has more to do with the wii not being HD and me playing it on a HDTV more than anything) but the pic is much cleaner
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