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New Member
I don't mind either of those. Not like I'm fond of it, but only when the organ... uh... thing I place it on has no specific taste, I use it.

Normally such are used a lot for chips and stuff, though I prefer it with nothing. Anything is fine, but I don't like chips with mustard, ketchup or mayo. Just dry is fine for me, as a matter of fact, I like some other things with it, but they aren't as well known as mustard, ketchup and mayo. A combination of mayo, ketchup and some other stuff tastes pretty good though. I used to like it a lot. Nowadays, when I eat chips, I prefer them dry, with nothing else. Though, of course, I wouldn't decline an offer to eat what I just described, because I still like it, but eating them without all those stuff is a lot cheaper... and I don't have that much money. In all honestly, I'm quite poor, but that doesn't take my fun away, I still live as I am supposed to live. Even though not everything goes the way I would like to live, there is very little I can do about it. So I'll just continue to live like this.
Sometimes it is pretty funny. Would I have a lot of money, I'd probably never really become as active on a forum like now. Being active on a forum takes a lot of time - naturally - and I clearly wouldn't have that. But because I don't have that much money to spend - and more interested in my school instead of working - I can spend an amount of my time on a forum, like this one. Just like I spent a lot of time at Wc3c, therefore, I had a lot of posts out there, especially during the vacation. The time I didn't have much to do, I'd just visit the forum and populate it a bit with my own posts. People didn't seem to mind it either, as a matter of fact, they liked it. All of a sudden, a guy appeared in the Team Gathering forum that kept projects alive with just his posting - people liked that. With saying some stuff about the history of Wc3c and staff of the site, is something that quickly gets people around you as well. The sudden poster was quickly made a moderator of the Team Gathering forum after seen that he managed to keep projects alive by just posting a lot in their threads. Those posts I made were 80% of the time NOT off-topic. They were very on-topic, as a matter of fact, they were all about the project. Suggestions, reactions to others and the like. I got more offers than I can remember to join a project, in the end, I never joined one. But all agreed that I should be in the credits.

Oh, wait, I'm rambeling on.


New Member
Then I used the brittish English :p Damned the person taught me that. I guess I am a little worried about the upcoming test...

Uhh... check the 'Top 10 posters of today' :p