Noob Tube, Dual Pistols



New Member
dual desert eagles or anaconda's would be cheap as hell, a 2 shot gun that fires fast and has a small crosshair.

dude, if that was added to the game, it migght just (90% chance) kick m590/m416 cqb off most (ab)used gun. Think about it, semi auto pistols that are more accurate than SMGs and have more killing power than shotguns...


New Member
Dual pistols is an ok idea but no grenade launchers. You're hand can already throw a grenade from one end of Junk Flea to another

I'd say no to dual pistols too. I mean you wouldn't wanna see people jumping around with autoclicker spamming pistols would you? If they were added, they should just have extra ammo, or else it'll be waayyy too cheap


New Member
No I'm pretty certain that anyone who insists on being called a "Ninja" for their weapon choice falls under this definition quiet well

oh no, not my weapons alone, but my fighting style (tactics-/strategy-wise) is why I call myself a ninja, and not gunslinger (which in this game, there is a small diffrence)


New Member
yeah dual pistolas would be nice, I guess you would have to buy 2 of each pistol.. and take up leg holster and a back pack slot.. as far as the grenade launcher... attach a m203 to the m4 and have some fun.. that would be nice...


New Member
good for you.

BOT: grenaide launchers would be OP in the game. If they do put it, it would have to be as a mod, and with a portability penalty on the weapon it's used on.

*dreams of wielding two M1911MEU's*


New Member
I find that REALLLY hard to believe. Sorry dude. The only pistol accurate at long ranges is the anaconda, and even then - Pushing it.

Lol. Just, Lol . Teamview is a program that anyone can use to look through other peoples files to BROWSE for hacks, and see If they are hackers. It isn't a hack.

Proof ?


What's your In-game name dude ? Please tell me.

exactly (Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)


New Member
Dual pistols shouldn't cost an addition of only 200gp, if anything the same price of the pistol you're using, due to the fact you'll be wielding two.


New Member
MEU's good if you brace and shoot. runnng you have a bull's eye on the imposibility

*haven't done it yet...must get better luck....*


For dual pistols...they should give the option to buy it as a seperate gun
(more guns=more ammo needed=lower portability) that way you don't ave to pay 900/day just something like [cost of weapon]+200, that way people who preffer one gun won't have to be forced into buying the extra gun whenever they want to extend use.

also, the guns are bound to lose some accuracy, at the benefet of increased fire rate and/or damage