Medieval Empires

You could name your map 'Medieval Kingdoms' :infernal: or 'Medieval Countries' I don't like the "At war" ending. It sounds like this!
at war
The at war just...makes..It don't know, smaller, sounds less...ahhh the words escape me, I don' know :(
Think of a different name or use one of the above.


New Member
hunter check to make sure "Medieval Kingdoms" isn't taken, and if it's avalable i will change the name.

anyways zerglab here is more info on the game:

what makes this fun is the increadable variety of units, items , abilities and other custom stuff that i will put in it. Basicly it is a mass staretgy game like rome total war, except with more kinds of units. AND i will add new resources such as copper, iron, and tin, (if you guys want me to add any other resourses plz tell.)
I am going to put lots of new skins, icons, and models, in it so it dons't seem like it's just a warcraft map, it'll seem like a whole new game. It's staretgy elements are different then warcraft becasue instead of taking over some one with 12 units, you need more like 100.
Have you guys played city builder, or castle builder, or villige builder, it's like one of those exept with way better terrain :yay:


New Member
First of all, for me it looks messy. And it doesn't fit medieval world.

As for the Village Builder or other maps where you must manage tons of units, having several hundreds of units is very confusing. Remember that you can assign only 12 units for an unit group (Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2, etc.). So for a hundred of units you must manage 9 unit groups at once. Very confusing, IMO.


New Member
yes i agre it would be confusing, but i will make captains , generals and other military leaders which have ablities which will command all units withing a radious of the leader to attack the targeted area. so you won't have to keep on sending 12 at a time.
a general can command 100 nearby units to attack a selected area
a captain can command 50 nearby units to attack a selected area
a seargent can command 25 nearby units to attack a selected area

i will add more military leaders later

most pple don't think my terrain is messy and i don't think there is a specific terrain that fits medieval TIMES. there is ofcourse a specific medieval europe terrain, but as i said it's not in europe. so in conclusion if anyone else is gonna say "it's dosn't look like medieval" i say to you pple "time dosn't have a specific terrain (unless it's a 100,000 year difference which is effected by erosion and stuff)" SO EVERYONE STOP SAYING "it dosn't look medievalish" once again there is no specific terrain for time (unless difference is great amount of time.


New Member
Nice terain. Now that you have FINALLY given proof you are not a noob at map making, then I have trust in you not to make a mess out of african troll tribes (I like troll tribe games and it would be annoying if someone made them look bad).
Sometimes when taking screenshots it is better to take them in WE and then editing out all the 'interface' of WE. That way you have a nice clean, crisp screenshot (without those nasty minimap/other bottom part of the screen thing)

or you could do the same IN game. (This way it saves space)
Attached image: I took your first screenie and cut it up ^_^


New Member
it's a good idea but it'll be kind of timewasting and i think the mini maps makes it look better, lol, anyways if i spend time on my screenshots, i won't have much time to actually work on the map.

guys check out my very first post (go to previous page) i have added some more screenshots, i am making the terrain pretty fast, and it still looks really nice (in my openion) gimme ur openions on the screenshots. thx. this is the 2nd time i'v added screenshots today. check em out and comment on them.


New Member
wow, i have used word editor for a long time and i hadn't figured that out, thx for telling me i'll improve my terrain. thx again and plz keep on checking, i will keep on updating.


New Member
i am currently done with 50% of the terrain, and i will do the other 50% some other time, for now im working on skins. Im not too good or bad at skinning, so if anyone out there is a good skinner, plz just skin a human, or elven unit (not night elves, orc, creeps, or undead yet.) there is no specific thing that im looking just make him look different then he allready does, and especially their face, i would u to make them look tougher, give them some scars, bloodstains, and such. I will give credit to anyones skin i use. thx sooooo much for anyone who even attempts to help with this. thx again.


New Member
since no one has replied to my request for skinners, i have decided that i will no longer look for any skinners, i just got photoshop cs, and now i believe that i can do the skins my self, anyways i have updated my first post with a new feature that i think you all will like you can go to previous page and look at pictures of the feature in action or you can just read on.

""I have decided to make units not attack with out your permission, so say an enemy unit get close to your unit, in a regular game they would attack each other, but in my game they will not attack each other untill you order them. (towers will still automaticly attack.) I believe that this will make the game a little more realistic, for one because soldiers do not attack without an order, and two because this will let you hide and ambush forces. Here is how you would ambush.

First you will set say 10-15 units in a swampy area where the other player won't see you, and when his units are crossing the area you will wait till there all gone and ensnare the LAST SOLDER OR COUPLE OF SOLDIERS. and you will kill him easily, this way you could kill a lot more soldiers then you would if you just send all your units against there. Please tell me waht you think of my new feature.""