WIP Bloody Ogre



New Member
Maybe you should add some "scuff marks" (for lack of a better description)..
You know, scrapes that don't bleed, just get dirty. Look at (oh gosh what a horrible example but..) Pokemon. When the "pokemon" get attacked, afterword to show injury they draw lines that look like scuff marks.


New Member
It's a pity that werewulf is hardly ever around. She used to make cool models. Hopefully ragingspeedhorn will soon be as good at modeling as he is at making escape maps, and will replace her :)


New Member
What does that have to do with this thread? This thread is about raging's WIP Ogre, not talk about raging replacing Werewulf.
Please try to stay on topic james.
@raging- No problem, always glad to help :yay:


New Member
Doing good Raging. Just try to make the wounds that are actuall cuts deeper, with sharp (Preferably 1px wide) lines.

The biggest problem I ahve with this skin is the original Blizzard made.. so .. before I go launching my critiqs against the original skinner of the ogre I shut up. :)


New Member
Well all this painting by pixel's is just not me, I do all the stuff "freehand" or whatever you could call it. I just pick colors and paint here and there :p

I will try though with your suggestion about the cuts and hope it makes it better. Got any other suggestions of stuff that might could be added? :troll: