I Enjoy nintendo as Danny and GoldenAssasan.
But I did grow up with my brothers sega and his amiga, but he never played amiga and then our nagbours got a PS1 so we bowored it a coupole of times and then he got one by his own.
My best friend had meanwhile all this a cossin that had a snes and we played super mario allstars (the game wiht almost every mario game).
Later we got on the computer emulators and only got games there, but when the Game cube comes we get one each,I alittle later, and then he told me about"revolution" and both wanted it, when it switched name to Wii I got a little disapointed, but it didn't change what I thougt: I had to get a Wii!
And That's my story until late 2006 and 2007.
here's the reasins why I bought it:
1.The games
2.The control
3.It's a Nintendo
4.It costs 2500 sek = Cheap
5.It was launched at my birthday in europe
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