Danny said:
but at least modded wii's cant use the freeloader anymore
Modded Wii consoles can, you just load GCOS first then boot freeloader. A modded Wii don't need freeloader anyway for gamecube games, all chips except WiiKey can play 99% of GC games worldwide
Apakarta said:
yeah wiikey is the best but its hasnt come an update yet
The lack of update means it isn't the best chip. The update is to sort out the Gamecube problem, WiiKey can only play about 70% of Gamecube games, it struggles when using GCOS, struggles with homebrew and the update is meant to fix this, if there is actually an update ever released. There was meant to be one back on 15th May this year but WiiKey lied about that one just to make people keep buying.
WiiKey is not the best by far. It WAS the most popular but being the most popular doesn't make it the best.
Most people think WiiKey is the best because thats all they have heard of, or the only chip they have tried. When you are a person who has tried and tested over 10 of the available chips then you caon compare and you would then see WiiKey isn't the best by far.