Well Guys/Gals.........



New Member

always been a pleasure. much respect and <3
see ya on the flip side and be safe. god bless and enjoy your tour it being ur last and all.


New Member
Wheel's up in 6 hours so I thougt I'd pop in and take a look at things for one last time.

Thanx people, and no worries about me ok?

"This is the land of the free, because of the brave like you Stoner." - My CO a few hours ago.........


New Member
"Well, you see the way I figured it, sir, was that by shootin them fellers I was savin more lives than if'n I didnt shoot them fellers." ---Alvin York

"A machinegun is gawd-awful of a motherfucker to carry, unless'n you needs it." ---Smedley Butler

Keep yer friends safe and yer head down, in that order. Good luck.