Anyone got this game? single player is a bit short but its worth it for the multiplayer, whats your favourite mini games in it? mines probably the star fox boss battle when you have to fly and take out the robot (rob i think its called)
I have got this game i do like the swords man game. They are short games but at least the best part about it is when you discover a new game it saves it in the game room so you can play the game afterwards.
I have the one on the Wii.
The GC version is basically the same as the GBA version, you don't get a Wiimote, or nunchuck so it can't be the same, really...
If your just going to have it for single player probably not, but its gr8 for multiplayer so if ur gunna be able to play it multiplayer a lot its gd, its funny
I love Wario Ware. I own the original, Touched, and Smooth Moves and they never cease to amuse me. The multiplayer in this game keeps me and my friends going for hours
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