

New Member
Oh, that. We have such kind of stuff too. One of my first quote of the days is related to it as well. Let me search it up.

(second quote of the day from the entire collection)
15/03/06 "It's about homosexuality" - Elianne, a friend.
All classes were cancelled because there was a play at 2 PM in the B-building (we have a bunch of buildings near each other, which are all related to the school. I've only been in three of them). Many people refused to come because they didn't know what kind of play it was. Therefore, a lot of people decided to go home - including myself. By the time I got home, I spoke to Elianne on MSN and asked her if she happened to know what the play was about. If it was a good subject, I'd go back. What she told me, became my quote of the day. Her second line on MSN was: "I'm going home too now." My answer to that was, as I recall: "Good, then I won't regret going home."
Later we heard that those who didn't come (which was a big 80%, therefore it became remarkable) would get a small penalty at their grades. Back then, it didn't really matter because I didn't have problems with my grades yet.

A class higher than the one of my own didn't have a play, but they were forced to go to the football (soccer, for you Americans) stadion of our local city. I remember clearly what a friend of mine, Sven, said on that. "Damn you! I don't want to go to Vitesse's stadion! I'm a Feyenoord supporter, damn it!"
They had to write a report on it too. Funny thing was, most of them didn't come, giving poor excuses like: "I didn't know what time we had to be there," or "you mean we aren't attending to a match?" Of course the most successful was: "I have no business at the stadion of Vitesse (the team that plays in that stadion)." If I have to go there too at the following year, then I'll use that last excuse as well. "I'm a SC Heerenveen supporter, I'm not related to Vitesse."
There was no penalty for not showing up there, apparently. I guess the amount of people that didn't show up was smaller than at the play. :p


New Member
Hah, interesting stories.
I remember in our school some classes went to see a play, and some of my friends tried to skip because they had already seen it twice. Then another friend of mine basically yelled their names and said, "Where are you going?"
It was quite funny actually.


New Member
Whoa, that should deliver him an... unpleasant time. :p I never had something like that personally, though I have seen it before. I don't skip much classes after all...

"You know, back in High school, I never skipped a class before. I skip at least one class a week nowadays."
"That's about three times more a month than me."


New Member
graduation program?! we dont have it here, but as it sounds, it must sux

vacation in this part of the country begins in late june and finish in middle july. so im back at school for a long time now. but soon that will be over, i just have one more year before i do the "final exam" and go to a university (i dont know how to call this in english)

talking about girls, i met a pretty nice birthday present today. the present will be "opened" in Thursday, my b-day

my friends are going to plan something very nasty for it. they're all a bunch of motherfu#$. but im sure i will like it ^^


New Member
I just spoke to a good friend of mine too, and told her that my school is starting this month again. She told me that it was different for her, and that she has to start on the second of September.

"Damn your luck!"


New Member
She likes school? Hm, I know the type. Sad really >.>
I'd rather do what they did in the matrix-hook me up to a computer and just send it all into my brain.


New Member
No, no, it was me who said that. :p

I have been counting for a little while now. Three people have asked me ('till now) if I felt like going to school again. To all I replied with: "Yes, and no," with a little background information. "I'm curious to my new class, and my new study course, but I would like some more time to rest." But in a way, I am also looking forward to school, because it means the new football season has started as well. Not to mention that all my 'school-friends' have already told me their expectations.

"Ajax will definitely become the champion this year." - Erik
"Heerenveen will end high, I'll agree with you on that, but Vitesse will end up higher." - Koen
"Don't you think Feyenoord will become the champion?" - Danny
"A 1 - 0 is just fine for Feyenoord. It showed that it can do just fine on that level as well." - Sven
"After their victory of Boro, I'm sure Heerenveen will do quite well this season." - Me
"We are all convinced that our team will do just fine."
Yeah, we're all convinced. :p

Oh, I wouldn't like what you said, Undead. I'm especially looking forward to my class. I'm sure at least one familiar person would be in there. After all, a large number of people decided to choose the same study course as myself. "Of course, I am hoping for a few specific people," (- Me) "Mind telling me who?" (- Erik) "No, not really."


New Member
Looking forward to class..
Well I guess if it's a certain class it's ok, I mean there are some good classes.
However, I'd rather just as well stay at home :p


New Member
Out here we have a different system about classes than with you guys. Instead of following only specific classes, we always have the same kind of people in our class - the same students. We all follow the same kind of 'classes,' but we are only one class.

I'm looking forward to the people in that class.


New Member
If Math and Chemistry never existed, school would be THE thing

i mean, 70% of my friends are from there, and so many girls in the same place. I feel im going to miss school next year


New Member
If Math and Chemistry never existed, school would be THE thing[/b]
Agreed. (my high school grades for maths are very... remarkable)
But if that would be the case, I wouldn't have a study course the last two years. The only classes I would have left were German, English and Dutch. All others are related to maths. (Administration/Accountancy)

i mean, 70% of my friends are from there, and so many girls in the same place. I feel im going to miss school next year
Despite that most of my friends are people I met either at my first year and first-second year (I had to redo my second year) at high school, all others are from my elementery school. :p Some contacts just... stick around.
More recently, I met some people from school, yeah, I guess. I'm just looking forward to my 'friends' from school (girls, mostly) and my expectations of my class and my new study course, naturally. I'm still excited about one person though.

Biology? I haven't had that for... four years now. And I'm sure glad about that. I never had much trouble with it, my grades were decent, but all teachers I've had for biology (three different ones in total) were all... unpleasant. The one in my first year was gay (and my homeroom teacher) and was not afraid of showing it (he is still the subject of a lot of friends of mine :p), the one from my second year was probably the worst though. Quovoi, was he called, as I recall (I remember the people laughing when they first saw his name, no one had a clue how to pronounce it). Or at least, something that sounds like that. Pretty bad teacher all in all though, quite clueless about what was going on but couldn't take a joke. That made him annoying. He also hated people getting late, but it wasn't our fault that we always had him right after P.E., which would mean we were always late. (People want to get a drink, dress them selves, smoke, etc.) The third one was perhaps the most pleasant... or at least, he was for me. He couldn't really take a joke (again, my homeroom teacher) but he was a pleasant guy. He irritated himself a lot about the short reports most people wrote, but he was a lot more annoyed by the long ones I gave him. ("The minimum is three pages. I don't want to see anyone giving me only a single page, and I don't want you to give me thirteen pages!" - a very common reaction :p His "what does bird-houses have to do with the human body?" remains quite famous for me though :p I dropped a bit off-topic during that report)

I'm more than happy that my trade-classes are now over. They were definitely the hardest classes I've ever had. Despite that the lessons were easy, for some reason, I had more than a lot of trouble with the tests/quizes/exams. I failed them, constantly and nearly failed my year because of them. This was partly because of a lack of motivation (long story), but a... 'friend' gave me a big boost near the end of the year. Just enough to graduate in the end. And I mean just enough. Costingprice remains quite a hard class too, luckily it was mixed with a lot of easier ones. (the exam of costingprice 1 is in my record book, it was the lowest ever grade I got... seriously :p but that counts for most people, mind you)
English was quite an... unpleasant class last year too. I sure hope I have a new teacher for that class now, because she and I really... *uhhum* disliked each other. Her level of English was pretty much similar to the one of my own, both knowing a bit more about specific subjects. I also had her in my first year, and we had a nice competition of correcting each other. Funny at the start, but it's embarrassing for a teacher to be corrected by a student and it was for me quite annoying too to be corrected by her. :p Throughout half the year, we concluded that it would be best if we just wouldn't say a word to each other anymore; so we didn't. That followed up in my second year, but there were some... remarkable stuff going on back then. At least I don't owe Erik anything anymore... ("I can open the door," "Yes, I'm sure you can, but that wasn't what I asked." A mistake during one of our 'practice-conversations;' he was supposed to say that he was going to open the door) She clearly didn't accept jokes of others either. Despite that she discriminated a lot of my classmates, she didn't tolerate any reactions on it. The first who would say anything about that, would immediately get 'kicked out of class.' *sigh* The 'perfect teacher,' someone who does everything straight according to the book.