Using the arrow keys


New Member
I think they stopped this! With the new patch that came out the profile is "encrypted" and I can no longer edit it for arrow keys!

This sucks as I don't think I'll be able to play anymore. I'll have to move to another game.


New Member
yup, this is fucking bullshit.. why have options map keys and disable this?? fucking idiots.. once there is a fix, i will post it.. ya'll dp the same


New Member
I sort of found a fix, but it doesn't work.

Using software you can remap any key to another key. For example in Combat Arms you can set left and right to A and D. But in reality you'll be pressing left and right arrows.

Problem is you turn left and right (ie spin in circles) instead of strafe left and strafe right.


New Member
Oh yeah, the other problem with that approach besides that it really doesn't do what we need, it also will render your two arrow keys useless in other programs. Because it does a registry hack and then needs to reboot. So, basically you'll have two A keys and two D keys (meaning when you press A or D for example in a text editor the letters show up).