Troubles of the ORPG


New Member
Awhile back I made an ORPG that had ALOT of stuff in it, Epic Size map maybe 250 quests with a FFTactics leveling system and mercinary heroes and maybe 50 or 60 bosses with over 300 items. Now it took me a long time to make and I was proud of it. However when I tried it with my friends online it took forever for them to download because it was 4.7 mb and most of them did not want to spend the time downloading. Also when I got into the game, we would always have server splits and I have no idea what causes those. Also, I know nothing about JASS and the benefits of using it, so my triggers piled up into a massive number.

I would like some advice or tips on what I am doing wrong.


New Member
eternity sheild, have you tried using the map otimiser by vex?, shame too see such a good map maker get lots of thieves =(


New Member
It also depends on what exactly is bloating the file size. Skins and loading screen can have their quality reduced to shrink files sized, music quality can be reduced if you have any of those and so forth. There are several ways


New Member
1. No I havent tried Vex, when I get my computer back, I will. Any reason its better than all those other garbage unlimited editors out there?
2. You have not explained how to fix server splits, they are like the bermuda triangle to me and seem to happen for no particular reason...

BTW that tutorial on quests is very limited, it doesnt have a monster rez system, or a random regional trigger function or variables descriptions. At least 2 more hours should have been put into that tutorial... just saying...