the tmp


New Member
mp5 pwns the tmp and mac10 valuewise. Those guns get mad innacurate. The mp5 however isnt that accurate to begin with but never gets that inaccurate after spraying. Thats why you can sidestep a lot with it and it dosen't matter. Its a great mid-range sidestep gun.


New Member
I find that at long range, the mp5 is good, but it takes a bit of punch before it does anything. The problem with this is the type of ammo (9mm). The round doesn't have enough power to punch through kevlar with the efficency of say...a .45 cal. As such, people may find that their peppering a target, only to have the guy turn around and blow your head off with an ak. To do some damage with the mp5, you need to get up close and personal, and aim high; cel knows how to do this really really well.