Sonic Shuffle Discussion Thread

Any other fans of this game? One of my favourite games ever, and definitely one of my favourite Sonic games ever. Fun Fun Sonic = best mini-game ever! :D

I REALLY hope they make a new one or a new Party game for the Wii. :D

Any fans? ;)
Metal Sonic = nah. He's almost dead to me. :eek:
And NiGHTS would DEFINITELY appear especially since he made a cameo in Shuffle. ;)

My favourite board was Emerald Coast. :D
I liked Riot Train as well though.

I wished the Story had more substance but I overlooked it and found a great game, overall.


Emareald coast is sweet but my fav. was the one in the forest(can't remember that name) but i can't play it lost the power cord to the DC.
kinda off topic but: i loved all of Bigs appearances in Sa2 for DC but he is still in some of the cutscenes on the cube
Seven Forest is the name of the song that's used. The name's on the tip of my tongue as well.

My DC is still in perfect condition! :D

But my SA2 copy got stolen years ago and I wished Big appeared in SA2B as playable in 2P Battle when I got my GC + that game. Oh well..


i got alot of my DC games a couple years ago at the game store(which no longer exists) Funcoland (im not sure the spelling) but that is where i bought shuffle.
I have about 10 games still, including my father's games. I have two copies of Sonic Adventure and I HAD two copies of Shuffle - I loved it so much that when it got scratched beyond playability, my dad bought another one for me! :D