

New Member
SmashGP is an older homebrew created by a developer that goes by the name matkeupon.
It is available for PSP, GP32x, and GP2x.

SmashGP is very similar to the every popular Super Smash Brothers series, but with a few changes. The most noticeable difference is that SmashGP is only 2D.

But the best part about SmashGP is that any character can be in it, and not just Nintendo exclusives. There are characters such as Micheal Jackson, Master Chief, Sora, Mickey Mouse, Shrek, Glover, Knuckles, Goku, Barney the Dinosaur, Bart Simpson, Ryu, Batman, Spongebob, Wolverine, Ichigo, Naruto, plus many many more)

This is possible because anyone, can make a character. All that is needed are some sprites [or a sprite sheet] and you can be on your way to making the next SmashGP character.

You can also create your own levels to fight where you want to fight.

Here are some screens:





For a complete character listing go HERE
For a complete level listing go HERE
For tools to make characters/levels or to Download the game go HERE

Visit The SmashGP Archive to check it all out.

[PS: Before anyone asks, unfortunately, no you can not play this on your computer.]


New Member
i've played this its cool. looks like your a bit of a homebrew fan too, ever played cave story? thats one awesome homebrew game.