Slot Illumination Ugrade?



New Member
metroidprime3rules said:
Pythorne said:
Im fine with how it is now. I dont think its Necessary to an upgrade for the slot.

yah there should be more thungs that the slot could be useful for. Like if your rival is online or something.

That would actually be very handy, good idea:)


New Member
I think that there should be some extra options built in so that you can choose how and when the slot lights up so that you could say opt for it to be on all the time or maybe just light up to let you know when a friend is online or something


New Member
it would be cool, but honestly, I hardly ever notice that thing, unless it starts to freak out during the night...


New Member
i think thats a useless upgrade that they could spend more time on more important things like a demo channel or something. the only thing that kinda has a point to illumination is the cd slot


New Member
i think the slot is just fine as it is, however as mentioned earlier it would be good to pause the game and goto read messages