REsident evil 4!!!


New Member
i have been playing this for a while and now i dont want to play it anymore cos the regenorator scared me like hell!!!


New Member
you put it in the wrong section, it should be in games

But on topic I love this game, i completed it twice on GC now i've got it for wii, trust me, it isn't as scary as RE1 on the cube, now that is scary


New Member
it looks so damn fun! i can't wait to get it, i love scary games, eternal darkness scared the sh** out of me, so hopefully this'll be even more scary!


New Member
LOL the same thing happened to me and if your only on the first one then it only gets worse because theres one with spikes :( dont worry though just play it again and blast it to bits.


New Member
When I first started playing RE games, they scared me outta my mind. But now I know they're only games, so there is nothing to worry about.
I've never played an RE game before. I know I'm missing out but I get all paranoid when I watch or see something scary (remembers when he read that Floof story in the Doctor who annual :( )


New Member
lol regenerator. The spiky ones or the normal ones coz it's funny when the spiky one hugs leon....awwww. how sweet....oh wait....

lord sam

New Member
muse said:
i have been playing this for a while and now i dont want to play it anymore cos the regenorator scared me like hell!!!

resident evil 4
is exsilent game it has loads of action and adventure in it


New Member
I didn't really think it was that scary at all. Now condemned thats a scary game just because its so real looking and you know places like some of the places in the game.